Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Look at me go!!

So I guess when my brain starts thinking "metaphor" it just won't quit!

I had to share the most awesome metaphor I came up with yesterday while working with GMan on some Math.

He had been studying Perimeter and Area and finding both using formulas.

Now, Gman can do the math.  He can do the math all day long.  He can tell you exactly what to do to find the number you're looking for...but to explain what a FORMULA actually is?  That was a concept he just couldn't wrap his head around. 

"Symbols, letters, mold...what?!"

At the time he'd been doing a lesson and the question had asked him, "Write the formula for finding perimeter."  Well Gman was like, "say the length is 7 and the width is 5 you just double both and add them."  Yes, but that's not the formula...

We went back and forth for several minutes until finally, lightbulb!

I said, "Gman, a formula is like a mold, like a cupcake tin.  It's what you pour the batter into.  The tin, like a mold, keeps the batter a certain shape."

Gman, "okay."

Me, "You can put different things into the tin all day long but after you bake it it's still the same shape.  The end result can be different flavors and look different, but the shape is always the same.  The ingredients are the NUMBERS you put in, the tin is the FORMULA and the cupcake?  Well, it's the PERIMETER!"

Tastiest perimeter I've ever seen...

It was like a whole new Gman.  I amaze myself...and now I'm hungry.

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