Tuesday, January 3, 2012

My Blog...My Opinion

So I started this blog...and I never wanted it to turn into something that people didn't want to read.  For instance, I didn't want to get on some wild political rampage--because believe me, I could--and lose respect and readers etc. 

But then I had a thought...

Actually, I read an article about some celebrity that had issued an apology for something they said.  Apparently they made a statment, probably on Twitter, and then they were lambasted for said opinion.  They later came out and said (and I paraphrase), "I apologize for such and such opinion, people should be free to do such and such and I'm sorry my statement offended anyone."  You know the story.

Now, I'm not a sympathizer of celebrities.  I've never wanted to be one (although I wouldn't mind one of their bank accounts) and I certainly don't want (and most times don't approve of) their lifestyles.  But I do believe they deserve to have an opinion. 

Why do they have to apologize for something they did or said?  Why can't they endorse a political candidate, political movement, lifestyle or even brand of bubblegum without being virtually drawn and quartered?

Even if I don't agree with their opinion, I'm glad they have one.  I understand that if they aren't loved by everyone they won't make money...and I'm sure their ultimate goal is to sustain the lifestyle they've built.  But seriously, if I was a celebrity I'd probably be hated because I'm not going to become someone you like because that makes me money.  Who wants to be something they're not?  Who wants to walk around on egg shells always afraid you'll say the wrong thing? 

So I guess the same goes for me.  I want to be able to throw stuff on here and not worry about offending someone with my thoughts.  It's my blog party and I'll cry if I want to--because believe me, I could.

Oh, and Kelly Clarkson...if you're reading this...YOU GO GIRL!

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