Sunday, January 1, 2012

I Resolve...

Resolutions I'm probably going to break this year:

1) Eat healthier

2) Exercise twice a week

3) Scrapbook

4) Organize the pictures on my computer and burn them to CDs

5) Learn to sew

6) Write a book

7) Learn a new language

8) Learn good English

9) Practice piano

10) Think of 10 resolutions

Resolutions I'm going to TRY REALLY HARD to keep

1) Vote as often as they'll let me

2) Read the Bible

3) Drink more water

4) Have more patience

5) BLOG! (because I now my tens of readers need me)

6) Garden and can stuff

7) Stick to the grocery budget

8) Stick to the coffee budget

9) Learn what the Iowa Caucus hype is all about

10) Quit thinking of resolutions

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