Wednesday, August 31, 2011

This is only a test...

This week has been a week of tests...not just homeschooling tests...but LIFE tests!!

Gman had his first homeschool test on Monday!  He was nervous!  Here is an excerpt from his journal: "...but then, the dreaded Test! Ahh!!!  I went over things like lesson and review games.  Then, I sucked it all up and when I took the Test, let it all out.  And guess what happened?!?!  I got a 97%  That's an A! Woo hoo!"

I second that, "woo hoo!"  Gman is really learning valuable study skills and time management using this program. 

Gman and I also had a MOST AMAZING conversation at lunch yesterday.  We'd gone out to do some errands and it was nearing lunch.  I still had to grocery shop so in lieu of going home for lunch I decided we'd stop in the Subway inside the store.  We got our sandwiches and sat down.  Gman asked me to say the blessing which I gladly did.  I was initially proud of him for being willing to pray in public...let's be honest...who actually does that like we should?

As we began our meal Gman suddenly said, "oh Mom, I forgot...we shouldn't have done that!  What if there had been someone here that didn't believe in God?  He might have shot us."

Well, he was remembering the story of Cassie Bernall, the young lady from Columbine High School who, when asked if she believed in God, answered yes and was killed anyway.

I responded to Gman that I would rather die professing my faith in God than to die of any other circumstance.  We went on to discuss how important it is to always be ready to defend your faith, no matter the circumstances. 

I asked Gman what he thought would have happened had Cassie said, "no."  I told him the shooter probably would have killed her anyway.  And then, what do you think Jesus would have said to her when she arrived in heaven? 

I taught Gman Matthew 10:33 which states, "But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven."

So, a pretty deep conversation for lunch...but such an important one.  It's conversations like these that make me SO glad to be at home with my boys and homeschooling.  It makes every rough or stressful day, every sacrifice and inconvenience completely worth it.

Because Cassie said yes her death served as a witness to millions of Americans. The faith of a young girl shined through in a terrible tragedy.  How many of us, when staring down the barrel of death...would do the same?  That's right...I'm testing ya.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you are blogging, Falon. I'll add you to my google reader, and I know I'll look forward to your tidbits of motherly wisdom.
