Thursday, August 25, 2011

The Fruits of Your Labor

"Go to the ant...consider its ways and be wise!"  Proverbs 6:6

This was supposed to be our first week of homeschooling.  The plan was to start Monday and end Friday.  However, my hard-working, overachieving ant did 5 days of lessons in 3.  That's how successful our first week was!

I thought it would be a wise idea (I have those every now and then) to have Gman hand write a journal everyday after his lessons. It serves many purposes, three of which are: 1) to document his experiences with at home learning, 2) to document his progress and 3) to practice his cursive.

Monday was a bit of a rough start.  Perhaps I could have lightened the lesson plan, except I'm not really sure how to do that yet, so we plowed through.  I was very happy with his results the first day, although I'm not sure he felt the same...

Here is a journal excerpt from Monday: "My first day of homeschooling was not that great.  It wasn't like I expected.  It's not like school at all...The questions can be really hard, especially when there are a lot of vocabulary sure made my head spin."

The second day, however, left me dazed and confused and truly second guessing our decision to homeschool (didn't take long!).  Gman scored D's and F's on 3 quizzes!  This from the boy who has NEVER scored below a B in school.  I just couldn't understand it.  This was a good time to dig in on the Administrator side and see just what he'd been up too. 

Well, the content was easy enough but my little ant was being careless.  A valuable lesson not included in the curricula was about to be learned.  I reassigned the lessons and quizzes, gave Gman a few tips to better absorb his reading and prayed for the best.  It wasn't long before a very excited young man bounced into my kitchen exclaiming his new score of 93% on his first quiz! In his own words he said, "Mom, you were right! Taking notes and studying really works!" Moms do know some stuff!!

An excerpt from Tuesday, written after taking the reassigned quizzes: "Today is my 2nd day of homeschooling and it was great!"

Gman was so excited about his improved grades that he did his work Wednesday and went on to finish Thursday's and Friday's lessons!  I LOVE to see a motivated learner!  My old student was back!  He's actually excited about his Bible test Monday!!

I told him as long as his grades stayed up and he was learning (and retaining) the information he could work ahead as much as he wanted.  I love to see Gman visualize a goal and work toward it and achieve it!

PS  Ellie's new nickname is Ellie Bean...hey, I thought it was cute!

She's thriving and already spoiled.
She'd never make it as an ant...

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