Friday, February 25, 2011


Maybe you've heard the term.  Maybe it's filed in the "read it later" section of the brain.  Well, I'm hear to tell you it's time to pay attention!  GMO has got to go!

Genetically Modified Organism, GMO (or GEO, genetically engineered organism), can sound like a frightning term.  You should be frightened.  In brief terms an organism (any living thing) becomes genetically modified when DNA from another organism is spliced into it.  For example: the DNA from an Artic Flounder, a fish with "antifreeze" properties can be spliced into a tomato to prevent frost damage.

So what's the big deal?  Sounds like science at work?  No, my friend.  Too little is known about DNA and it's complicated relationships to be considered safe.  "It is impossible to guide the insertion of the new gene. This can lead to unpredictable effects."

There have been no instances of a GM food harming a human.  In fact, procedures such as gene therapy have been shown to help people with certain diseases.  But really, with such a new science how do you really know the long-term effects?  The fact is you don't.  And that's just with the human body.  What about our natural eco-systems?  Haven't we abused this earth enough; do we have to start playing cut/paste with our genetically perfect produce?

I could go on and on regarding the unknown dangers of this game, but frankly it comes to this: it was created perfectly and if it ain't broke...don't fix it!

So, Farmer Bo, what do we do?  Buy heirloom seeds!  We have found a GREAT company in MO that sells heirloom seeds.  Baker Seed Company in Mansfield, MO has made it their mission to sell only "Open-Pollinated, Pure, Natural, and Non- GMO seeds."  Check them out!

Heirloom basically means the plant's ancestry can be directly traced to a time when pesticides or herbicides were used.  Contrary wise, hybrid seeds are difficult to reproduce due to the GM of the DNA.

They taste better, they're safer.

"The earth brought forth vegetation, plants yielding seed according to their own kinds, and trees bearing fruit in which is their seed, each according to its kind. And God saw that it was good."
Genesis 1:12

1 comment:

  1. Amen! I absolutely agree! We have got to pay more attention to what we are putting in our bodies and teaching our children! I always thought the heirloom tomatoes tasted better anyway.
