Thursday, February 24, 2011

My First Post!

Welcome! After kicking the idea around for awhile I'm officially a blogger!  This is intended to be a chronicle of our journey.  The destination?  The land of milk and honey.  No seriously, our own piece of earth in which to labor and reap.  We have humble aspirations; we wish to live simply, self-sufficiently and always serving and praising the One that put us there.

We currently live in a small house in a small town.  Our family consists of myself, my wonderful husband and two strapping young boys.  We are all excited to embark on this journey.  Join us!


  1. This "Land of Milk and Honey" that you speak of is rumored to be situated near Phoenix, AZ. Thought you should know.

  2. Milk, of course, being goat milk; and honey...the bees will be ordered soon! The chickens will be hear Tuesday!

  3. Where are you keeping said goat and chicks? Your yard isn't that large.

  4. It's all part of the Journey! The quest for our own piece of Earth. Preferably 10-20 acres somewhere East of here!
