Saturday, March 31, 2012


I have been convicted today. 

This process of turning off the screens has already taught me SO much and we haven't even started yet!  I have been on fire all morning--on email, on Facebook, texting--because something struck me while grocery shopping this morning.  No, it wasn't the price of paper towels (although that is getting ridiculous...they're paper!).  It was the Easter Bunny.

It made me sad to see the Easter Bunny this morning because it reminded me of the mockery Easter has become.  The flowers, pastels, baby animals and marshmallows.  That's not what Easter looked like...and I don't feel like it's how it should be remembered.  Does that mean we won't have an Easter basket for the boys Sunday morning?  No.  Does it mean we won't dye eggs?  No, but not because I feel like it's pointless.  If we don't dye eggs it'll be because I really dread dying eggs!

I honestly had to fight back tears when I saw the holiday (HOLY DAY) aisle packed with people.  I wanted to shout that Easter wasn't pretty.  It was full of deceit and denial and blood.

I've strived the past few days to find a way to make each day this week significant.  Some have asked me what we're doing.  First, we're going to read Luke 22-24 from the Bible.  No watered down interpretation...straight from the King James.  I want to hear the words verbatim.  We're going to discuss the history of Passover, what it means.  I want to look at each day of the week and find out what Jesus was doing on that very day.  How the mood was in the city of Jerusalem and of the people there. 

Also, we're making these:

And doing some of this:

I'll be blogging--old school though!  Pen and paper!  I guess you'd actually call it journaling!  I'll start posting them April 8th I guess.

We'll be hanging out and spending quality time together!  Board games, cooking, crafts, you name it!

What it comes down to is this; this week I want to shun the "tradition" that has become Easter and instead, strive for meaning, for reflection and to put ourselves in that place. That place where the disciples were, where Jews were celebrating their heritage...where Jesus was...and more importantly, where he wasn't.

We'll see you next week.

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