Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Are you Smarter Than a Fourth Grader?


One of Gman's favorite gameshows is "Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader?"  I don't know about you, but some of those questions can really stump ya.  In the spirit of academia I've decided to share some actual test questions Gman has had on his recent tests.  See how many you can answer!  Email me your answers; the person with the most correct will receive one dozen Peanut Butter Chocolate Cookies baked by yours truly. 

PS  I'll know if you Googled it.

Saul is born in Tarsus.
Saul preaches about Jesus in Jerusalem.
Saul is taught by Gamaliel.
Saul sees Stephen die.
Saul becomes a great persecutor of Christians in Jerusalem.
Saul follows Christians to Damascus.
Paul suffers for Jesus.
Saul sees Jesus on the Damascus Road.
Saul asks Jesus what He wants him to do
Paul dies and goes to heaven to be with Jesus.

2) Who told Paul what to write in the letters to the churches
A.  the High Priest
B.  the Holy Spirit
C.  rabbis

3) Saul learned from his father how to make .

4) The two parts of the British Congress are the House of  and the House of .

5) The Arabian Desert is rich in
A. Gold
B. Coal
C. Oil

6) The nomadic reindeer herders of northern Europe are called the
A. Eskimo
B. Inuit
C. Norse

7) Leads are cracks of open water that form in the , the frozen sea water around the poles.

8) The first ship to reach the North Pole was a submarine called the
A. Akula
B. Alpha
C. Nautilus

9) Which step in the writing process is missing?

Choose topic
Narrow topic
Ask questions about topic
Find purpose and audience
Find information about topic
Write outline
Write first copy
Make corrections on report
Write final copy

Step missing:

10)  Add and Simplify.

    7 2/3    =
+  4 2/6    =

11) If an object is moving left, friction is moving:

A. left
B. right
C. down
D. forward

12) When an object is electrically charged, what has been added to or removed from the object?

A. protons
B. electrons
C. neutrons

13) An electric cell must have:

A. only an electrolyte
B. 3 electrodes
C. 2 electrodes and 1 electrolyte

14) Wind force and speed are measured by a(n)

15) Temperature drops about for every thousand feet of altitude.

How'd you do?  We can't wait to see your answers!

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