Friday, August 24, 2012

Weather or Not

Several months ago Gman became fascinated with the weather.  In response to this new hobby, he began researching forecasts and patterns and made himself constantly aware of what the day and week could bring.

He decided he would share what he knew and began composing an email every day for all of our family members!  Daily, they would receive the forecast including temperature, humidity and chance of precipitation, the pollen count and even at one point the moon phases! 

TBo sent a copy of one of his emails to our local news meteorologist, Michelle Bogowith. She, in turn, graciously invited Gman to the set to meet her, the anchors and see a little behind the scenes action.

I can relate to Gman's excitement as I remember a day as a young Girl Scout getting to be on the news for being a top cookie salesman.  Enough about me...

The day finally arrived for our tour and Gman was beside himself with excitement!  We arrived at our designated time and was greeted by the station's sports broadcaster, Chris Gervino.  Pretty exciting stuff for an eleven year old football fan.  He'd heard Chris Gervino's broadcasts many times.

Gman with Chris Gervino

Chris led us to meet our host.  Michelle was so excited to have us come and we were equally excited to be there.  She first introduced us to the other members of the anchor team.  Gman was so thrilled to shake the hands of the people he usually only sees on TV!

Gman and Sarah Hill
Gman and Jim Riek

Michelle showed Gman the weather station and how she does her work every day.  Gman watched as she completed her forecast for the broadcast.  Michelle was so informative and attentive.  Even when Gman said he someday wanted to be a chef, she knew that it was just meant as a hobby and he really wanted to be a meteorologist too--after he played MU football.

In the control room - don't touch anything!

Talkin' "Shop"

Checking out the weather station!

Michelle gave us a tour of the whole station and then invited us to stay as they gave their 6:00 broadcast.  It was pretty exciting. Gman and I sat like statues.  Thankfully, they weren't as concerned about noise as I was (my biggest fear being the rogue sneeze) and when Gman accidentally dropped his ink pen on the floor I don't think anyone noticed.

Michelle explains how the broadcast is put together on the computer.
A Winning Team!
After the broadcast Michelle and Gman got to "play" with the greenscreen.  It was so much fun.  Gman got to "do" the weather and even fly over the city!

Showing Mid-MO the weather
Learning to use the all powerful "clicker"

Michelle took time to explain to
Gman the different ways weather
behaves and how meteorologists
accurately forecast it.

Tiny Gman

"Look out!"
"Don't eat me!"

Future Weatherman?  I think so.

We can't thank Michelle and the KOMU 8 Team enough for an amazing experience.  They took time out of their day to encourage and educate a young man and for this Momma, that's a pretty big deal. 

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