Tuesday, June 7, 2011

A New Objective...

So I haven't blogged in a REALLY long time. My apologies. I know my followers have been hanging on by their teeth for me to bestow upon you the the wonderful golden nugget of knowledge...

Yeah, I know...that's completely facetious...

However, given my (at times lame) attempt at blogging and my continued desire to do so I've decided to change my focus and direction of my blog. Yes, it will still be a "we want a farm/here's how we did it" type blog but it will also include (hopefully) a glimpse of our daily doin's as well. I've got a lot more material in this facet!

As most of you know I'm a (blissfully blessed) stay at home Momma. I've had a few in-home jobs such as transcribing and babysitting but at the moment I've put those aside and am a full-time, 100%, 24 hour a day Mom/Wife (and yet I still can’t get supper on the table every night). Not too long ago my hubby and I kicked around the idea of homeschooling our oldest, Gman.

You may be asking yourself, “why?”  Well, most importantly we wanted to get Gman back in to a Christian based schooling program.  He went to a private school for kindergarten and first grade. We all loved it.  Due to some theoretical differences and financial obligations (our 2nd son was on his way) we decided we’d try public school. 

Gman LOVED public school!  We had two very wonderful years with excellent teachers and staff.  I cannot praise his experience enough.  However, we felt as though the “Camelot” was ending and that perhaps his extraordinary public school experience wouldn’t last.  We decided not to take that gamble and instead teach Gman at home. 

After much consideration, reading, research and talking to and emailing other homeschool families we've decided. It's official, we're homeschooling!!

We've purchased a curriculum, two actually. The first and foremost is Switched On Schoolhouse by AlphaOmega. This is a Christian based software curriculum that will guide Gman and myself through the daily to-do's of homeschooling. We purchased the 5 subject set; Bible, History, Science, Math and Language Arts. All the work, testing, journaling and daily documentation required will be done on the computer.

The second curriculum we purchased was a book by the American Education Publishing company. It’s basically a book of torture devices worksheets.  I admit, it was a bit of an impulse buy on my part but I was looking for something to supplement the SOS software anyway; this just saved my printer toner and provided something tangible for the file cabinet!

We are all absolutely thrilled and (albeit cautiously) optimistic about the up and coming school year.  Gman is totally on board and excited about this adventure.  We hope and pray that we’re doing the right thing and that he’ll thrive in this environment.  I’m very excited about doing hands-on activities like science experiments and field trips.  Any experience can be a learning experience.  There is a lesson in everything.  Golden nugget anyone?

“All experience is an arch wherethrough gleams that untraveled world…”  -Tennyson

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