Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Pinch to Grow an Inch!

After a minor setback...our plants are taking off!! 

With high hopes we planted our seeds in late February.  Within days they surprised us by sprouting with energy and drive!  Just as quickly as they sprouted, they wilted.  "What went wrong?" we wondered.  The only thing we could come up with was that these fragile plants, residing in our kitchen, were somehow exposed to heat or fumes from our cooking.  No, I don't burn everything...but perhaps in the formative days these poor dears needed to send us a message:  we can't handle the heat...get us out of the kitchen.  After a reprieve to another room they bounced right back!  No harm done.  However, I can't say I'll be surprised if our herbs/veggies have a slight bacon flavor.

Worried we'd lose them completely we quickly planted another set, identical to the first.  Now we have double the produce!  Double the fun!

In the recent days they've grown hardy and strong enough to transplant!  The process is to transplant to bigger containers until they're strong enough for the ground - and until there is no more threat of a frost!  We plan on utilizing this process year round!  Fresh, home grown tomatoes in December anyone?
We have tomatoes, peppers, lettuce, cabbage, herbs such as mustard, thyme, and lavendar, eggplant (yay!) and onions transplanted.  I'm hungry just thinking about them!

Spring has Sprung!

When you see upon the walk,
Circles newly made of chalk,
And around them all the day,

Little boys in eager play.   
                           --Evaleen Stein

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

What we've been up to...

It's been awhile since my last post but we've been busy!  We received a wonderful gift from Farmers Jerry and Pat, a greenhouse!  It's perfect for our small home.  We planted peppers, herbs and eggplant (my personal favorite) amongst others in a styrofoam tray.  Each tray holds over 600 plants!  When the tiny plants sprout we'll start transferring them to larger containers until they're ready for the ground!  Can't wait!!  The top picture is our "garden,"  currently germinating in our kitchen.  The bottom two are the rapidly progressing plants of our personal fountain of knowledge, Farmer Jerry.