Monday, April 23, 2012

The Screen Free Week That Wasn't we tried. We didn't make it the whole week without screens...but we did do much better!

I learned a few things last week:

1) When a 2 year old has his mind on something no amount of distraction will deter him.

2) Without screens productivity increased ten-fold one-hundred fold A LOT!

3) Without screens the quality of conversation increases ten fold one-hundred fold A LOT!

4) Without screens you realize how often you Google things.  And without screens you have to make mental notes of what you want to Google when you get those screens back; like where the saying "ten fold" orginated.

5) Mental notes don't help you grocery shopping.

6) Paper lists will help you grocery shopping but only if you don't leave them at home.

All in all we had a good week.  No, we really weren't perfect but we were, and are, much improved.  I've since deleted the Facebook app (and several other apps) from my phone.  It's really surprising how habitually my finger opened these apps and my brain was like, "wait, you weren't supposed to go there."  The irony that I'll be posting this on Facebook later isn't lost on me.

Easter was not the ideal celebration I wanted it to be; but thanks to a friend who reminded me that you don't need a specific can celebrate Christ's life, death and resurrection anytime.  And that's a mental note I won't soon forget.